Thursday, August 22, 2019

I Take Your Requests

A short one today, as school is coming back soon, and I have a lot on my plate.

In recent news, I finally, finally, saw the Star Wars prequels. I hadn't seen Episodes 2 and 3 yet, but now I have. Maybe it's because I saw Clone Wars first, but I really liked them! Get ready for some more Star Wars/Disney parodies in the near future. I'm working on 2 more.

But today, I took a request. A friend and reader asked for a mash-up of Phineas and Ferb and The Emperor's New Groove, so I did that one this week. So, Alana, this one is for you!

Phineas and Ferb – The Emperor’s New Groove

The royal advisor enjoys imperial power
‘Til Kuzco fires her on an ill whim.
So the latest problem for Yzma and Kronk
Is finding a good way to kill him.

Like maybe...

Waking some panthers
Or sending the guards
Or turning him into a llama.

Sending him tumbling down a waterfall (Bring it on!)
For a tremble of extra drama

Putting him in a box
Not as himself, of course,
But a harmless little flea fits (It's brilliant, brilliant, brilliant!)

And when that box arrives
Taking a hammer and—
Or just poisoning him with this! (Feel the power!)

As you can see
There's a whole lot of stuff to do
To make Kuzco take that fall (To the secret lab!)

So stick with us 'cause Yzma and Kronk
Are gonna do it all
So stick with us 'cause Yzma and Kronk are
Gonna do it all!
(Mom! Dad went off to help a talking llama!)
(Guitar downs)

Thank you for the request, Alana! This was a lot of fun to write, and I hope it's fun for you to read!

I know these parodies are silly, but they're a great writer's workout for me. I have to look at words and meaning and rhyme and meter and tone, and there's no foul for a failure. I have so many ideas for stories that I feel a little jammed, and writing these give me a chance to practice with language while I'm still planning a schedule and stories (but I have an idea I'm going to start writing once school starts up again! I'm outlining it now!)

So, if you have requests, send 'em my way. If not, get ready for a couple more Star Wars/Disney mash-ups. Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. :D <--My face reading all this
    Thank you for indulging my whims, this was so fun! I can totally imagine this as a duet between Yzma and Kronk where she's excitedly proclaiming what she's going to do to Kuzco, while Kronk interjects nonchalantly to tell her what really happens and/or constantly doing double-takes at what his musical cue cards say is part of Yzma's evil plan.
    I'm glad that I could contribute is some small part to with greasing those writer's gears and that you've now got momentum going with your new idea! I'll hold off on making another request so soon, but if you need someone to bounce ideas off of, you know how to find me :)


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