Monday, December 3, 2018

#LightTheWorld 2018

The Christmas season is in full swing. How I do know?

I made fudge. 'Tis the season.

You wanna know how else? The #LightTheWorld campaign from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has started again!


If you haven't heard of this campaign, but would love a chance to do some good in the world, stick around. Or just go to their website, right here: Light the World This Christmas.

Or watch the video:

Every year the Church does this, and every year I take part as best I can. One year they had a schedule of things to do, one thing every day, but since then they've relaxed it. The break-down this year goes as follows for the weeks of December:

Week 1: Light the World
Week 2: Light Your Community
Week 3: Light Your Family
Week 4: Light Your Spirit

It kind of starts big and gets smaller. This is Week 1, Light the World.

The idea this week is to do good wherever in the world you can. Some of the ideas on the website include seeking out a person from another place/culture and learning their story, sharing a post on social media about a time someone served or helped you, collect supplies to help refugees, or make a donation to a good cause on your own or through a Giving Machine.

I gotta talk about these Giving Machines, because this is awesome.

They're vending machines.

But instead of selling candy and drinks, they sell things like, funding mobile vision clinics, or an empowerment pack for girls, or three soccer balls, or other things to be given to those who need them.

There are 5 Giving Machines, located in Salt Lake City, UT; Gilbert, Arizona; Manhattan, New York City, New York; London, England; and Manila, Philippines.

For more information, check out the story here.

Yes, I'm very excited about this. I've done this before, like I said, and I felt like this really brought a good spirit to the season. It's easy to get caught up in the rush and stress of December (and as a professor who has a stack of 10-page research papers to grade RIGHT NOW, I get it). But when I do this campaign and seek ways to brighten the world around me, my focus is on other and what I can give. I've had less stress and greater joy when I do this, which is why I'm going for it again this year.

Most of the ways to participate are small, like posting on social media or talking to someone you know. Size of service doesn't really matter. I think the benefits come when I do what I can, no matter what it is. They add up over time, and I always end the season feeling like I spent my December well.

So, hey, if you're interested, why not give it a try? Whatever your background or faith, it's a reason to help others (and a list of ideas on how) as 2018 ends, and that's no bad thing. If you do it, keep me posted! I'd love to hear what others are doing and get some good ideas for next year.

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